My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki


Top 10 Most Powerful My Hero Academia Characters

Im gonna say it now there are manga spoilers in this before I start. Ok so I have made a list of who I think are the ten most powerful characters in the series are. Also this goes by every characters strength in their prime and without external help like deku using 100% with Eri's rewind to stop him injuring himself and overhaul's fusions because he needs somebody else to use them. Here is the list.

1:All might. All might obviously gets first place because even after sustaining major injuries he was still widely regarded as the worlds most powerful person.

2:All for One. All for one is the most powerful villain in the series so far and is basically immortal, however all might beat him so he gets second place.

3:Gigantomachia. Gigantomachia ha…

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Who is more powerful?

I was watching the anime again but something bothered me. Eraser head said mirio togata is closest to being the number 1 hero. This has led people to believe mirio to be more powerful than Endeavor but I do not agree with this. To start of Endeavours quirk is far more powerful than mirios permeation. It is true that Mirio has complete mastery over his quirk but so does Endeavor and so having control over an amazing quirk is better than having control over a bad quirk so Endeavor wins when it comes to quirks. Endeavours punches can send nomus back a couple meters and can break through solid concrete. Mirio is able to break through solid ground with a punch however due to his quirk Endeavor is also able to burn through and destroy flesh as …

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some cool quriks

Driller: A combination of the quirks gyrate and horn cannon. It allows the user to drill through anything using a rotating horn on their head.

Double Jump: A combination of leap and slide and glide. The user is able to jump an infinite number of times by repelling themselves through upwards.

Hyperdeath: A combination of the quirks acceleration and heal. The user of this quirk can speed up a single targets life, causing them to grow and develop at an accelerated rate. This process uses up so much of the targets energy that they will soon die.

A world of my creation: A combination of the quirks Overhaul, Rewind and one for all. The user can completely control the surrounding area and can alter living beings nearby. They also have immense stren…

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Possible quirks

Distortion: A combination of the quirks permeation and wave motion. This quirk allows the user to emit waves from their body that distort the surrounding area.

Last Laugh: A combination of the quirks erasure and outburst. This quirk allows the user to erase somebody's quirk if they tell a joke and the person laughs.

Ent: A combination of the quirks lumber and gigantification. This quirk allows the user to transform into a mythical creature known as an Ent. This gives the user the ability to control trees and plants but also makes them gigantic giving them immense power.

Iron Fist: A combination of the quirks big fist and steel. This quirk allows the user to turn their fists into steel to increase their power.

Ice Make: A combination of the qui…

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How strong is deku


So in the latest anime episode they revealed a new villain known as overhaul. (Manga spoilers from here) Deku fights this villain and uses something called 100% full cowl which was the real 100% of one for all power. In the new film we see prime all mights power which is all mights real 100% however this is far more powerful than 100% full cowl appears to be. Could anyone explain why dekus 100% seems weaker than all mights?

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