My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki

Dadan Tadan ( () (だん) () (だん) Tadan Dadan?), also known by his Hero name Lucky Strike, is a student of Isamu Academy High School.


Dadan is a short boy compared to his classmates, Dadan has light chestnut hair, which he wears swept diaginally up to the left, a round nose, tiny circular black eyes and a mouth that rather resembles that of a cat. His most defining physical trait is the size and proportion of his arms, which start off thin at the top, but then widen as they go down with gigantic hands at the bottom. The rest of his body seems to do the same, as he has very wide hips compared to his shoulders, and he’s rather on the chubby side around his lower stomach area.

He wears the Isamu High uniform, which consists of a white dress shirt with a red tie around his neck, over which is a dark blue blazer and below is a pair of plain gray dress pants and dark brown loafers. This seems to be stylised to fit his anatomy.

His hero costume is very robot-like, as it seems to be made up of different plates of multicolored metal, his shoulder area yellow, his torso green, his legs blue and the gloves on his hands red, under which a black bodysuit can be partially seen. He has holes on his knees, chest and lower torso which he can launch missiles from, and he has what looks like boosters on his elbows and shoulder blades, and what looks like a radar over his left eye. His costume is shaped without a head section, so the shoulder area reaches up around his head, making him seem bigger than he is, and a small hole is left in the centre for the top half of his face to poke out.


Not much is known about his personality, but he generally wears a sheepish look, suggesting him to be quite passive.


Dadan's costume allows him to launch a salvo of missiles that make use of his Quirk. The salvo is able to bombard a fairly large area[1].


Flash Bang Sweat: Dadan's Quirk allows him to sweat a substance that releases a bright light and loud sound upon impact.


Mech Suit: He wears a mech suit that can fire many rockets probably filled with his Flash Bang Sweat.


  • Dadan's name is composed of "multiple" ( ta?), "bullet" ( dan?), "strike" ( da?) and "bullet" ( dan?), all of them being references to his mech suit and its artillery.

