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My Hero Academia Wiki

Template:Chapter Versus (VS Fi Esu?) is the fifteenth chapter of Kōhei Horikoshi's Boku no Hero Academia.


At Yuuei in the nurse's office, All Might tries to contact No. 13 and Shouta but is unable to. All Might decides to go to the USJ in a few minutes. However, Mr Principal arrives and tells All Might to relax. Mr Principal starts to talk about educational theories with All Might noting that he hasn't changed one bit.

Meanwhile at the USJ, No. 13 notes that they cannot make contact to the outside world at all. No. 13 orders the Class President Tenya to dash to Yuuei to tell the teachers there what is transpiring and get them to come and help. Tenya is skeptical, thinking that running back to Yuuei while leaving behind his classmates would be cowardly and disgraceful. After some encouragement from his classmates and No. 13 telling him to use his Quirk to save others, Tenya decides to dash back to Yuuei. Black Mist overhears their plans and goes to stop Tenya, but No. 13 stands in Black Mist's way. Black Mist and No. 13 prepare to battle each other.

At the Flood Zone in the USJ, a shocked Minoru criticizes Izuku's plan to fight and win, but Izuku ignores him and begins strategizing. Izuku concludes that the Villain Alliance don't have information on their Quirks and while the Villain Alliance beats them in experience and numbers, they have the element of surprise on their side. Tsuyu and Minoru reveal the powers of their Quirks and Izuku uses this knowledge to plan a strategy. After one of the villains strike the ship, the ship begins breaking apart. Izuku jumps off the ship and puts his strategy to work, using Delaware Smash on the surface of the water, causing the water to spread out. Tsuyu then grabs Izuku with her tongue and Minoru throws his sticky substance into the spread out water. The spread out water converges in the center along with Minoru's sticky substance (with the villains being pulled in), causing all the villains in the water to be stuck together by Minoru's Quirk. With the villains stuck together, unable to do anything and thus defeated, the three students make their escape, with Tsuyu saying that they were impressive.

Characters by Appearance
