My Hero Academia Wiki
My Hero Academia Wiki

Tengai's Quirk is an unnamed barrier-creating Quirk.


This Quirk allows Tengai to create a telekinetic barrier around him, in the shape of a dome. Fat Gum equates punching it to being like punching a steel wall.

This Quirk seems to be able to be projected around the radius of Tengai's choosing, as he is able to cover both himself and Rappa at one point, and only himself at another, indicating he has a degree of control over the size of the barrier. However, Tengai always appears to be at the center of the Quirk, meaning that he cannot protect anything that is not close to him. It is not known if the size affects the durability of the Quirk.

This Quirk is only every activated when Tengai has his eyes closed and has his hands near his head. If this is what is required to activate the Quirk or not is unknown.


  • This Quirk is similar to the background Quirk Barrier. If there is a relation to it, or if it is just a similar Quirk is unknown.


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